A simple one page Guarantee you can use for your business without spending on lawyers.
Download the template and enter your logo & business’ details with our easy-to-follow tips.
Print your completed Guarantee Form, ready for signing.
Guarantor signs the personal guarantee with a witness.
With our downloadable Personal Guarantee Template, you can get your arrangement in black & white in under 5 minutes.
The Legal Zebra Template guides you through the process, so you can secure a personal guarantee with confidence.
You'll avoid "legal overwhelm" and lawyer's fees and you'll feel secure with a binding Personal Guarantee in place.
We supply the Personal Guarantee template in both Word and PDF formats so you can be sure it works on all devices, including Mac and PC, and make all the edits you need. You can even insert your company logo both versions.
The template we use to generate your customised Legal Form is up to date and effective throughout Australia.
So glad I found Legal Zebra. I found the exact template I needed for our business, and also a few others I didn't know I needed. Great website, easy to navigate. In a few minutes I had a straight forward, easy to understand and apply legally binding document ready to go. Thank you Shanti and the team at Legal Zebra
Legal Zebra provided exactly what I needed at the time I wanted it. I found dealing with this business easy, I received good value and a quick response when needed. Professional help made easy on line. Thank you Legal Zebra.
Very convenient, great value and communication was extremely prompt!!
Its Sunday! Yet I received everything I needed immediately and had a question answered by return email.
Documents have very easy to follow instructions, the whole service was delightful to use and cost effective.
Thank you. Full recommendation from me.
"We want a simple personal guarantee form for our customers to sign when they open a new business account with us."
Easy! Make sure you customers complete an Account Application Form, agreeing to your Terms and Conditions of Supply... AND a Personal Guarantee. We have templates for all these documents at Legal Zebra. [See links at the end of this page].
"I'm signing a loan agreement with a friend so I can borrow some money for my company. My friend wants me to sign a personal guarantee. "
Use this template, together with a loan agreement, or check out our Loan Agreement with Personal Guarantee template. [See link at the bottom of this page].
"A company owes me a lot of money. I've agreed not to pursue the debt and keep trading with them because the directors have agreed to give me a personal guarantee. They have promised to pay the company's debts."
Yes, you can get the guarantee on paper with this form.
"I want to make sure that I get paid for the goods and services I am supplying to a company even if it goes broke. So, I want the directors and owners of the company to be "on the hook" even if the company doesn't pay."<br><br>
Yes, this guarantee template is suitable.
Legal Zebra's concise yet comprehensive Australian Personal Guarantee Templates includes these important provisions...
The Guarantor promises to pay money owing under an Agreement with a Company.
The Guarantor promises to perform obligations under an Agreement with a Company.
No problem. Use the same Template for multiple Guarantors. For example, have all the directors of a Company sign the document.
State whether you want the personal guarantee agreement to be enforceable under the law of Victoria, New South Wales or other Australian State of your choosing.
A personal guarantee works like this. Your business, Supply Co enters into a contract with your customer, Customer Co. Now, if Customer Co defaults on payment, with a personal guarantee, you can require Customer Co's guarantors (usually the owners or directors) to pay up.
Moreover, when:
- (a) you are dealing with a company, and
- (b) you're worried it won't have the money to pay you,
consider asking the company's directors to sign a Personal Guarantee.
This is a fair request when you are dealing with a small "ma and pa" run business where the directors both run and own the business. On the other hand, when you are dealing with a larger business (like a public company) the directors may be professional manages who do not have an ownership interest in the business and therefore it's unlikely they will provide you with a personal guarantee.
If you buy a property in the name of your company, a bank generally won't lend you money unless you sign a personal guarantee. That's because the bank knows your company could default and want's the right to go after you personally. The banks know how to protect themselves.
You too can get the same legal protection with Legal Zebra's easy to use Personal Guarantee Template.
In simple terms, if you have don't have a personal guarantee in place and the business you are dealing with can't pay its debts, you will have to line up with the other creditors (and may only get cents in the dollar).
By contrast, when you have a personal guarantee in place, the owners/directors of the business will have to pay up! The very fact the guarantee is in place often means the business will ensure you get paid on time, since the guarantors of the business don't want to be liable for the debt.
If you have a contract, terms & conditions or other agreement prepared already and you want a third party to guarantee performance of the agreement, you can use Legal Zebra's downloadable Template. It will help you put a basic legally binding Personal Guarantee in place, instantly.
The Legal Zebra Template is up to date and suitable for use in all States and Territories of Australia including NSW, VIC, ACT, WA, SA, NT, Tasmania and Queensland.
If your agreement is complicated, or you are involved in a substantial transaction (such as the sale of property) you should seek personalised advice from a lawyer.
Here's some examples of when to use a Personal Guarantee Template...
If you have a contract, terms & conditions or other agreement prepared already and you want a third party to guarantee performance of the agreement, you can use Legal Zebra's downloadable Template. It will help you put a basic legally binding Personal Guarantee in place, instantly.
The Legal Zebra Template is up to date and suitable for use in all States and Territories of Australia including NSW, VIC, ACT, WA, SA, NT, Tasmania and Queensland.
If your agreement is complicated, or you are involved in a substantial transaction (such as the sale of property) you should seek personalised advice from a lawyer.
Here's some examples of when to use a Personal Guarantee Template...
Create your own document instantly.
Email or phone support.
Interactive PDF & Word Template.
Create your own document instantly.
Legal advice by email or phone.
Interactive PDF & Word Template.
Checked by a Lawyer before signing.
Lawyer prepares a customised Agreement for you.
Legal advice by email, phone or video.
Interactive PDF & Word Template.
Checked by a Lawyer before and after signing.
Special clauses.
Reach out if you want help writing a personal guarantee form for your business. Or, any of your new business account documents for that matter.
I love helping small businesses in Australia get top quality legal protection. Particularly, in these hard times when a lot of them are struggling to get paid.
We expect you'll be happy with Legal Zebra's Guarantee Form. It's easy to use (clear and concise, without any legal mumbo jumbo) and meets the requirements for most Australian businesses.
However, if the Form is not right for you then simply email us to claim a 100% money back refund at any time within 60 days of the date of your purchase.
When you make a Personal Guarantee, it's a good time to consider these other related documents:
Plus, you'll get easy to follow tips and examples to help you confidently turn your template into a legal document, customised for your requirements.