Employee Non-Compete Deed Template

Stop staff stealing your business. Get them to sign this non-compete Agreement.


How it works

Type in your details

Type in your details

Download, then enter your details using our easy to follow tips.

Type in your details
Print out
Print out

Print it out

Print the Non-Compete Deed or set it up for signing online.

Sign the document

Get sign-off

Get the Employer and the Employee. That's it. All done.

Sign the document
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Get your Employee Non-Compete Deed in black & white instantly

The clauses restrain your staff from poaching your employees, clients, customers and suppliers and from competing with your business for a period after their employment ends.

Because the Template helps you write an Agreement yourself, unless the non compete arrangements with you employee are complex, you won't need to see a lawyer.

This will save you at least $1,200 in lawyer's fees.

Easy to use

Easy to Use

Download the template, fill-in the blanks and save on legal fees. It's that easy. There's no legal mumbo jumbo... The non-compete agreement (also known as a non-solicitation agreement) is in simple language that your employees will easily understand.

Legally Binding

Legally Binding

The Template guides you step-by-step through the process of making a legally binding Employee Non Compete Deed. Yes, an agreement (called a Deed) that you can enforce in Court.

Unlimited Edits

Unlimited Edits

Want to makes edits to your Employee Non-Compete Deed? No problem. You can make as many changes as you need. The Microsoft Word version is fully editable so you can amend the document as you wish.

Latest update

Latest Update (2022)

The template we use to generate your customised Deed is up to date and effective throughout Australia.


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Who is this Non-Compete Deed for?

Non-Compete Agreement with an employee to protect your suppliers

Our business has a unique supplier in China that we spent years to find and they are they only supplier who knows how to make the unique ceramic bowls we sell. Unfortunately, our Employees know who the supplier is and could compete with us.<br><br>

We want an Agreement to stop our Employees from competing with us and buying directly from our supplier in China.

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Template Non-Compete Agreement with an employee to protect the goodwill in your business

We are raising capital for a new business from investors. The investors want to make sure I've protected the good will in the business with non-compete agreements so that our employees can't steal our goodwill away from the business.

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Non-Solicitation Agreement to stop employees stealing clients from an established business

My business is well established with lots of great clients. I've worked hard for many years to build it up. I am worried that my employees, who know the clients really well, could take them when they leave. I want a simple Agreement to protect the business and for employees to promise not to steal my clients.

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Non-compete Deed to stop employee poaching

My employees are really tight and I am worried that if one of them leaves they might take the whole team with them. I want them to sign an Agreement to say they won't poach or solicit any of my staff, customers or suppliers for at least a year after their employment with me ends.

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Non Compete Agreement for employees of a start-up

We are developing an app and hiring a team of employees to work on it. We need to get the deal down on paper and want to make sure that our employees don't our idea, copy our app and sell it themselves.<br><br>

In other words, the other founders and I want to make sure we stay in control of our business and our employees are focussed on making the app concept work for us. We don't want to risk them taking our business to a new employee if and when they leave us.

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Download our full Word & PDF Templates to make your Non-Compete Deed now! $27


What's covered in this Non Compete Template?

Legal Zebra's Australian Employee Non Compete Deed Template is concise yet comprehensive, It includes these important provisions...

General legal tips
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Plus, you'll get easy to follow tips and examples to help you confidently turn your template into a legal document, customised for your requirements.

Identify your protected business
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In this Agreement, you describe the business you are protecting. For example, "a business of providing training services to Human Resource Managers in Melbourne".

Stop employees competing with you
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This Agreement can prevent your Employee from competing with your specific business.

Stop employees supplying your customers
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This Agreement can prevent your Employee from supplying your customers and clients with goods and services that you supply.

Stop employees from taking your suppliers
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This Agreement can prevent your Employee from dealing directly with your suppliers.

Stop employees poaching your clients
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This Agreement can prevent your Employee from taking your customers or clients away from your business. This is otherwise known as "poaching" or "soliciting" customers or clients.

Protect your intellectual property
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The document includes a clause which prohibits your Employee from using your confidential information and other intellectual property without your permission.

Protect your business for a reasonable time period
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You must insert the time period of the restraint in the Agreement. This may be during the period of employment and for a reasonable period after the employment ends. See the guidance in the document to help you determine the period.

Protect against competition in your area
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Specify in the Agreement the geographical area where the restraint applies. This is usually the area where you operate your business or your customers are located.

Governing law, where disputes are resolved
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You can specify the law that applies to the Agreement and where disputes will be resolved. For example, disputes may be determined by the laws of NSW, Australia.

Other non-compete clauses to protect your business from employees
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This comprehensive document contains many more provisions to secure and protect your business from your Employees.


Try a Free Sample or download the complete Word & PDF Non-Compete Deed files instantly for only $27.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is an employee Non-Compete Deed and how can it protect your business?
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An Employee Non-Compete Deed is a contract that stops (or, in legal jargon, "restrains") an employee from taking business away from their employer. Similarly, the document can be used when hiring a contractor.

The restraint usually applies while the staff are employed and for a further period after their employment ends. This post-employment period is typically anywhere from 3 months to 2 years depending on the agreement you reach with your staff. If the restraint period is longer than reasonably necessary to protect the goodwill in the business and would interfere with the employees right to make a living, the Court might refuse to enforce a long restraint period.

This document is also known as a Deed of Restraint or Non Solicitation Agreement.

An Employer can use the agreement to protect the goodwill in its business. That is, by preventing an Employee from taking clients, customers, employees and suppliers away from the business. It can also be used to protect an Employer's confidential information such a customer lists.

If your Employees have access to valuable client relationships and you want to make sure they don't take those relationships with them when their employment ends, you should ensure you put a binding Non Compete Deed in place. Without such an Agreement, your business could be very vulnerable.

Likewise, if you have worked hard to build up a team of great staff, you should make sure a rogue employee doesn't decide to start up in competition with you and take your staff to their new firm. You can protect your business by requiring your employees to sign a Non-Compete Deed (or inserting the non-compete clauses from this Deed into your employment agreement).

When to use Legal Zebra's template for a Non Compete Deed
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This Employee Non Compete Deed template can be used for most Australian business, to prevent their employees competing with them or taking their clients, customers or staff.

Download the Legal Zebra Template instantly and put a basic legally binding Employee Non Compete Deed in place. It generally takes less than 10 minutes to enter your details, after you download the document files. You can complete your Agreement in Word and/or Interactive PDF format.

Download our free sample non-compete template in PDF format to check it's right for your business. Then, purchase the full version once you are ready to put an agreement in place.

You can use the Legal Zebra Template to make a non-compete agreement in New South Wales (NSW), Victoria (Vic), Queensland (Qld), South Australia (SA), the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), Western Australian (WA), the Northern Territory (NT) or Tasmania (Tas). Our template is up to date and suitable for use in all States and Territories of Australia.

Should you get help from a lawyer, when writing a non compete deed?
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This Employee Non Compete Deed template can be used for most Australian business, to prevent their employees competing with them or taking their clients, customers or staff.

Download the Legal Zebra Template instantly and put a basic legally binding Employee Non Compete Deed in place. It generally takes less than 10 minutes to enter your details, after you download the document files. You can complete your Agreement in Word and/or Interactive PDF format.

Download our free sample non-compete template in PDF format to check it's right for your business. Then, purchase the full version once you are ready to put an agreement in place.

You can use the Legal Zebra Template to make a non-compete agreement in New South Wales (NSW), Victoria (Vic), Queensland (Qld), South Australia (SA), the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), Western Australian (WA), the Northern Territory (NT) or Tasmania (Tas). Our template is up to date and suitable for use in all States and Territories of Australia.


Keep your competitive edge. Prevent staff soliciting or stealing your customers, with a Non-Compete Agreement.


Amazing Value

Self Service


Create your own document instantly.

Email or phone support.

Interactive PDF & Word Template.

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Lawyer Verified


Create your own document instantly.

Legal advice by email or phone.

Interactive PDF & Word Template.

Checked by a Lawyer before signing.

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Great value, combines tech with the personal touch

Legal Service


Lawyer prepares a customised Agreement for you.

Legal advice by email, phone or video.

Interactive PDF & Word Template.

Checked by a Lawyer before and after signing.

Special clauses.

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Finesse your Agreement with the support of an Employment Lawyer

Restraint provisions can be hard to enforce, unless they are correctly drafted.

Reach out if you want advice on the non-compete, restraint or non-solicitation clauses in your agreements. I can help write agreements for your business that you can confidently enforce in Court.

I love helping small businesses in Australia get top quality legal protection, to ensure they prosper.

Mr Shanti Rubens B.Com LLB

Lawyer, Legal Zebra
60 Days Guarantee

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

We are confident you will absolutely love the Employee Non Compete Deed template.

That's because it's beautifully simple to complete and well laid out. But, if the Template is not right for you then email us to claim a 100% money back refund. Do this at any time within 60 days of purchasing the template. We'll happily refund you.


Related Templates

When you make a Non Compete Deed, it's a good time to consider these other related documents: