Add a new Shareholder to an existing Shareholders Agreement. DIY, it only takes 5 minutes. No Lawyer's Fees!
Enter details to go in the Deeed, using our easy-to-follow tips.
Print the document ready for signing.
Your company and the new Shareholder sign to create a binding Deed.
It's easy with our downloadable Deed of Adherence to Shareholders Agreement template.
You'll avoid "legal overwhelm" and lawyer's fees and sure-up the relationship with a new shareholder.
The Legal Zebra Template guides you, step-by-step through the process, so you can confidently introduce a new shareholder with a formal, yet easy to follow, Agreement (called a Deed).
This template from Legal Zebra will give you the tools to put a binding Agreement in place. So, the new shareholder is legally bound by an existing Shareholders Agreement.
Want to change something in the document? No problem. You can make as many changes as you need. The Microsoft Word version is fully editable so you can amend the Deed of Adherence to Shareholders Agreement as you wish.
The Agreement template is up to date and effective throughout Australia.
Being a solicitor originally, I can appreciate it when documents are clear and user friendly, especially very important, complex legal agreements.
This is a very well thought out agreement and, like all of Legal Zebra’s documents, it's great for everyday people and the legally trained alike.
Highly recommended.
A revelation! The gold standard in simple, secure, legal documentation. So pleased I will never have to go back to exorbitant fees and haughty service.
Excellent service, very prompt & cost effective
Its Sunday! Yet I received everything I needed immediately and had a question answered by return email.
Documents have very easy to follow instructions, the whole service was delightful to use and cost effective.
Thank you. Full recommendation from me.
We already have a Shareholders Agreement in place. We want to get a new Shareholder to accept this Agreement. However, we don't want to have all of the Shareholders re-sign the Agreement. We just want to add the new Shareholder to the existing Agreement. We want a simple Deed of Accession to record this.
We want to make sure the new Shareholders is bound by our Company's Shareholders Agreement. We need a simple document to bind them.
Our template covers all the main provisions required for a Deed to add a new shareholder, while leaving out the unnecessary "legal-gumpf" that you usually find in this sort of document:
Include the new Shareholders name, address, email address, etc. Also include the name of any Shareholder Representative.
The new Shareholder (and its representative, if any) agree to be bound by the Company's existing Shareholders Agreement.
State how many shares the new Shareholder will hold.
Include details of what the Shareholder (or its Shareholder Representative) is required to do for the Company.
Include details of any loans that the Shareholder is required to make to the Company.
What happens when you a have a Shareholders Agreement and all the Shareholders signed it but now you want to introduce a new Shareholder?
Well, you will want the new Shareholder to be bound by the existing Shareholders Agreement. You can quickly and easily achieve this by having the Company and the new Shareholders sign a Deed of Adherence to the Shareholders Agreement.
This a convenient solution for adding a new shareholder and does not require all of the initial Shareholders to re-sign the Shareholders Agreement. You simply add one more Shareholder by way of them agreeing to abide by the existing Agreement.
This Deed of Adherence Template can be used for most Companies with an existing Shareholders' Agreement.
You can use Legal Zebra's downloadable Template to put a basic legally binding Deed of Adherence to Shareholders Agreement in place. It generally only takes about 5 minutes.
The Legal Zebra Template is up to date and suitable for use by companies located in any of the States and Territories of Australia including NSW, Victoria, ACT, WA, SA, NT, Tasmania and Queensland. Many people outside Australia also use this document because it's so easy to use.
This Deed of Adherence Template can be used for most Companies with an existing Shareholders' Agreement.
You can use Legal Zebra's downloadable Template to put a basic legally binding Deed of Adherence to Shareholders Agreement in place. It generally only takes about 5 minutes.
The Legal Zebra Template is up to date and suitable for use by companies located in any of the States and Territories of Australia including NSW, Victoria, ACT, WA, SA, NT, Tasmania and Queensland. Many people outside Australia also use this document because it's so easy to use.
Create your own document instantly.
Email or phone support.
Interactive PDF & Word Template.
Create your own document instantly.
Legal advice by email or phone.
Interactive PDF & Word Template.
Checked by a Lawyer before signing.
Lawyer prepares a customised Agreement for you.
Legal advice by email, phone or video.
Interactive PDF & Word Template.
Checked by a Lawyer before and after signing.
Special clauses.
Since I drafted this template, I am well placed to advise if you have any issues. I can also help you work through all the requirements for adding a new Shareholder where a company already has an existing Shareholders Agreement and wants a new Shareholder to sign up to the Agreement. Indeed, the Agreement probably says you can only add a new Shareholder if they do!
I've advised on all sorts of company matters including capital raising and I welcome the opportunity to help you.
We are confident you will absolutely love our Deed of Adherence to Shareholders Agreement Template because it's super easy to use (clear and concise, without any legal mumbo jumbo) and highly adaptable for most Australian companies.
If Legal Zebra's Template doesn't give you everything you need to make your Shareholders Agreement online in minutes, not hours, and save you spending hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on a lawyer, then contact us within 60 days of purchase for a 100% money back refund.
Since you are looking at a Shareholder Deed of Adherence, you may also need these other related documents:
Plus, you'll get easy to follow tips and examples to help you confidently turn your template into a legal document, customised for your requirements.